You thought the hardest part was delivering the baby? Girl, you surely don’t know what lies ahead. Once you reach home from the hospital the next scariest part is probably putting the baby to bed- away from you- for the first time.
Babies are cute to look at and snuggle. But you can’t do it all day! Especially when you are a working person. You need to keep a tab on the baby. Here’s when the technology comes into play- The baby monitors!
If you are a newbie in the world of baby monitors, you might be flabbergasted to see the number of options at your disposal. Do you need audio or visual? Heartbeat or oxygen tracker?
Few options are practical and essential in daily life. Others are just unnecessary gimmicks you could do without.
Even the savviest parents might find it hard to buy the perfect baby monitor that balances functionality, portability, features, and cost. So, we did the grunt work and found some must-haves in a baby monitor.

What is a baby monitor?
First things first, a baby monitor is a device used by the parents to remotely watch, listen, and monitor their baby. A camera equipped with a microphone is placed in the child and the parent can listen and watch over the baby through a phone or laptop.
Baby monitors keep an eye on your baby whilst they are sleeping. This gives you time to catch up on your Netflix series without worrying about your little one.
Types of baby monitor
- 1.Audio only baby monitors
- 2.Audio and Video baby monitors
- 3.Health tracking baby monitors
Wondering if you really need a baby monitor? The answer is probably yes. It is estimated that parents who are using baby monitors usually sleep better knowing that they will be altered if their child wakes up.
But remember, a baby monitor is just a tool. It can never replace human touch, feel, and warmth. It is just an extra pair of eyes and ears, nothing more.

Must-haves in Baby Monitors
#1. Night vision
It is not possible to keep the lights on all night just to keep an eye on the baby. And babies mostly become wide awake during the night-time. The baby monitor should essentially come with a good night vision that will allow you to see the baby in the dark.
#2. Voice activation
Sleep is essential for everyone. You don’t have to miss out on yours. This feature will alert you whenever your child is awake. You don’t have to check in every half an hour.
#3. Talkback
This feature is essential if your baby soothes down only to your voice. You can talk to the baby. Listen to the baby. All the while without getting up from your place and baby in its cradle.
#4. Lullabies
A baby monitor playing lullabies when your baby starts crying or wakes up is a big plus. A melodious lullaby puts the baby back to sleep. You don’t have to rack your brains for new lullabies every day.
#5. Video Recording and collage
Sometimes during busy schedules, you might miss out on the special moments of your little one. If a baby monitor comes with a video recording option, it is a big advantage. You can play and replay those cute little moments.

With that being said, all this won’t work if you don’t have a stable internet connection at home. So, make sure you have a baby monitor at home to ensure some ‘me time’. Execute all the plans you have been putting off, all the while keeping a tab on your little one.
So now that you are aware of the baby monitors and the must-haves. It’s time to shop the best one for your baby.