Shoulder pain is a problem faced by 40% of pregnant women. Like other aches, shoulder pain can be normal in pregnancy.
Why does pregnant women have shoulder pain?
In the first trimester, your body releases an hormone called ‘relaxin’, which helps your body grow and change for your developing little one. Relaxin does this by loosening up the muscles and ligaments which causes various joint aches.
In the second trimester, as your baby grows, your baby bump begins to show and your body shape and weight changes for a healthy pregnancy. It impacts your posture while you are sitting, standing and walking, which can lead to muscle aches including shoulder pain.
In the third trimester, as your body preps for labor, you experience even more changes, including literally curving your spine! Your spine is now S shaped to support the extra load, now that you are a mobile nursery. Relaxin is again in work to help relax your pelvic bones for delivery. That, combined with the change in posture, while sleeping, standing and walking can cause shoulder pain.

When does it become a concern?
- Shoulder pain in early pregnancy could be due to ectopic or tubal pregnancy (when the embryo implants outside the uterus). This is characterised by sharp, stabbing pain that starts in the abdomen and can radiate to the shoulder and back. It needs immediate medical intervention.
- Severe right shoulder pain is, sometimes, a sign of pre-eclampsia (which affects 5-8% of pregnancies), a condition wherein a pregnant woman’s blood pressure and the amount of protein in urine skyrocket.
- Pain in your right shoulder during pregnancy might mean that you have gallstones.
- Sometimes, shoulder pain maybe caused by stomach issues like constipation, bloating, flatulence and stomach ulcers. Such type of pain originates in the stomach and spreads to the back and shoulder.
- Mental strain, migraines, and tension headaches may result in stiffness and tension in the body, causing pain that might originate in the upper back and move towards the shoulders.
- In rare cases, right shoulder pain maybe due to laparoscopy done for an ovarian cyst or any other gynecological procedure
When to call a doctor?
Remember that even the slightest of discomforts during pregnancy require attention. The cause of shoulder pain could be something as basic as poor sleeping posture or a more serious issue like ectopic pregnancy. So consult a doctor is you have persistent pain. Take a call if you seem to have shoulder pain in conjunction with symptoms of pre-eclampsia or gall stones.
Remedies for shoulder pain in pregnancy
Try alternative remedies at home which should make you feel better.
Apply cold compression at and around the site of the pain.
Physical therapy like yoga, swimming, acupressure and stretches. Do not do any strenuous exercise.
Find the right sleeping position. Use a sleeping support pillow.
Take enough rest. Get stress relief with long hot baths.
Check with a chiropractor for massage therapy to soothe the pain.
Warning : Consult your health care provider before you pop a pain killer. Most of them are harmful during pregnancy. Anti-inflammatory ointments and sprays might alleviate pain and inflammation. Get treatment from health care professional for gall stones and ectopic pregnancy.