A balanced dose of faith, hope and good humor! That’s the formula that helped me get through my infertility journey. Plus, a lot of visits to my gynecologist, which was the least favorite part.
Hi. This is Meghna. If I could go back in time, I would definitely want to skip the years of infertility struggle before my daughter was born.
I was 28 and was pressurized (more than before) to have a baby, right when my career was gaining momentum. However, we always wanted to have a baby; so we finally decided to go for it. I’d been into fitness and healthy eating since I was 18. Typically, I reveled in the belief that conceiving would not be a problem for me.That’s when I learned that biology does not always work that way. So, it was a rude awakening when I tried to get pregnant for an entire year without success.
The merciless whispers began which only grew louder over time. I was an easy target to shove the blame on. “The woman who chose career over a baby in her early 20s and 28 is too late”; at least conventionally! Wait, what? I did not know that was a crime! The irony of it was that if that were true, I would have mentally slapped myself for months.
After a few tests for infertility and a couple of visits, our gynecologist dropped the truth bomb that it was the sperm’s side that was at fault. Well that didn’t give any relief you know (apart from being able to shut unwanted opinions about my body).

After a failed IUI, we had no other option but IVF (In-vitro fertilization); aka, the high-tech sex. People in white coats and gloves do their job here. It involves no touching, kissing or moaning. But, hey not gonna complain as long as it could give a baby. But then the first attempt didn’t.
The continuous medical visits taxed us mentally, emotionally and financially. I was no longer shining at work too. But I cut myself some slack. I was holding up pretty good considering everything and deserve a crown for that itself. Infertility is this huge emotional roller coaster. I decided not to give up as long as there is the tiniest, wildest chance. So after a pep talk session at home, we went in for the second attempt at IVF…and then the third one, a few months later. Finally my egg found the right sperm – made for each other! And were blessed with a baby girl.
As I am planning my baby’s first birthday soon, I want to give this piece of advice to the millions of women like me.
‘There is always hope! You were given this mountain to show others it can always be moved.’
Related: If you are trying to conceive you can also read, ‘HOW TO KNOW IF YOU ARE OVULATING?’