No one can prepare you for how difficult breastfeeding is. Lactation class I took was a waste of time, and my baby doesn’t seem to be getting the hang of things either!
Breastfeeding has been hard from day 1 — it’s even harder than childbirth. No one tells you this but don’t worry too much because we are in this together!
All the way up until I held my newborn in my arms for the first time, childbirth was only hard on me. Now that she’s here and it’s time to feed her milk from a bottle or breastfeed without any painkillers-I’ve learned just how tough life can be! But even with all this hardship breastfeeding has been one of my favorite moments thus far. Breastfeeding could make you feel like a failure if your baby hates every last minute but then again maybe she’ll love being at his mamma’s breasts day after day because there is nothing better than holding him close while feeding together during those early months when everything seems so perfect as we’re both looking forward to our new lives ahead.
So, let’s talk reality! Here are some tips that no one tells you!

You may think you know everything there is to know about life, but this article will show you some secrets that are often overlooked.
You might be thinking it’s easy as pie to get by in the world today — and for many of us with our smartphones on hand 24/7, we can feel like anything goes — but have you ever stopped long enough to ask yourself what difficulties others face? What about those who don’t even have a phone or access to social media all day every day? No one tells them these things! Let me give you an insider scoop so your reality checks out before heading back into “the real world.”
Every breast eventually sags, whether you breastfeed or not.

Regardless of small or perky your breasts are it will lead to breast ptosis aka sagging boobs. Although a lot of people blame breastfeeding as the culprit, it really isn’t! Boob sag depends on various things that are actually completely unrelated to breastfeeding rather more to do with pregnancy. Some major reasons would be aging (can you stop that?), gravitational pull, lack of proper support, smoking (the carcinogens depreciate the elasticity in your skin) and the list could go on..
So those elastin fibers are going to get stretched out one way or another.
Talking about boobs, the most important business is breastfeeding. A specialist we work closely with gave us some insider tips, so ears out moms,
If you are struggling with engorged breasts, stay away from breast pumps. It only makes things worse. Pumping with engorged breasts leads to mastitis.
Exclusively breastfeed your baby till the end of 6 months and not before. Stopping before time will leave your baby’s and stomach lining incomplete and wont provide the solid foundation its supposed to be providing. Exclusive breastfeeding means purely milk out of your boobies. No water, no nothing.
The “golden hour” — The first feed after your baby’s birth will be an hour after you deliver and that is considered the most rich and nourishing.
Tandem feeding? Whats that?
To define it in simple words, tandem feeding means breastfeeding 2 or more children of different ages at the same time. YES! It is possible. Your body is miraculous. It is capable of multitasking to these extreme levels.
Boobs and baby, that’s all it is, here is the list.

Pregnancy pillows– Designed to accommodate to your pregnancy contours and curves for comfort.
Breast pumps– every mom has their own use with this one. A convenient and important essential for some moms.
Breast pads– to keep your leaky breast at bay and to prevent them from staining your cute tops.
Nipple creams- to help with your sore lil nipples that are probably dry, cracked or itchy. Remember prevention is better than cure.
Natural remedies and tips for mastitis (inflammation of the breast tissue which can lead to bacterial infections)

– use a hot or cold pack for relief
-try chilled cabbage leaves (these work wonders apparently)
place chilled cabbage leaves on your boobs for not more than 20 mins leaving the nipple exposed or cabbage free!
-feed frequently
-empty your breasts completely
-pump in between your feeds
Moreover, two golden home remedies for sore nipples would be-
Try an Epsom salt bath for your breasts. Just a bowl of water and a tablespoon of Epsom and soak away.
Or even better try applying your breast milk to the nipple area to reduce soreness. Quick and easy! Just apply your milk to the sore areas, let it air dry and wash away as usual.
How does “mind” play a vital role in the production of milk?
Breastfeeding is technically just about your boobs and your baby. But a crucial factor in this equation is your mind. It has a direct impact on your connection and also some aspects of your production. Have a positive mindset and affirm yourself to your full potential. Believe to make it happen. Your mind has more control than you know.
Exercises for breastfeeding

Sit up in your chair and gently bring your shoulder blades together while keeping your shoulders down. Hold for 5 seconds and relax. Repeat 10–15 times, 2–3 times per day.
Lie down on your back with your knees bent. Gently pull in your lower belly like you are buttoning a pair of pants that are a bit too tight. Hold for 5 seconds and relax completely. Repeat 10–20 times per day.
Start in a kneeling position with your knees at least hip-width apart and your big toes touching. Bring your butt down onto your heels as you stretch the rest of your body down and forward. Bring your arms forward as you rest your stomach on top of your thighs and your forehead on the floor or mat.
Fun activities while breastfeeding?

Some mothers find breastfeeding a rather tedious and boring activity. However, there are some fun things to do while nursing your little one that can make the experience more enjoyable for both mother and child. Here are just a few:
-If you have another baby in the house, offer them up as your mouthpiece when it comes time to change their diaper so they get used to what Mommy does! This will help reduce future interruptions from an older sibling who wants attention or snacks even though you’re busy feeding on mommy duty.
-Sing nursery rhymes with lyrics about food like “Humpty Dumpy” or “Jack Be Nimble.” Babies love repetition which is why we typically say these same phrases.
-Take a walk around your neighborhood while holding hands -Sing lullabies or make up silly songs together (C’mon let the ARR come out!)
-Play peekaboo under blankets -Create funny faces using milk bubbles on your nose
-Tell the baby about the list of things you’re grateful for and let the list go never ending, because you’re holding a one
For those who are breastfeeding, please know that there is no right way of doing it. What you choose to do and how long you breastfeed is all up to your preference! So if you’re a mother and want to breastfeed, then congratulations — because whatever decision you make means that YOU’RE DOING IT RIGHT! You’re on this beautiful journey with your baby so enjoy every moment. If you would like more information on the benefits of breastfeeding or tips on getting started, check out our blog post “Breastfeeding Tips from Mother To Mother”. We also have an app called MindAndMom which will provide helpful pregnancy advice throughout each stage of your journey as well as great ways to prepare for childbirth and parenting