Wait, Am I Pregnant???
Unprotected sex and trying to conceive can make us anxious. It is early to miss your period but you want to know if you’re pregnant.
First things first. No, oral sex or anal does not make you pregnant. If you have unprotected sex and pull out before ejaculation, yes there is still a chance of pregnancy.
Here are some sure-shot tells that can help you figure out if you’re pregnant.

When your fertilized egg after conception gets implanted onto the walls of your uterus, there is a chance of cramps. It is your womb getting ready to expand to fit your baby for the next 9 months. It is also caused by the hormone called progesterone that is released during pregnancy.
Micro Period
Yes, spotting! We think that it is an early sign of periods, but it could also be a sign of pregnancy. It is the result of implantation which happens 6-12 days after the fertilization (aka unprotected sex). It would most likely be accompanied by a creamy white discharge which can help you differentiate between period pregnancy spotting.
Unexplained fatigue
Wanting to take a nap in the middle of the workday for no apparent reason, feeling tired and physically exhausted without any exertion could be a sign that you’re pregnant. It is the hormones having fun with your body and your body working overtime to ensure that your fetus gets all the necessary nutrients. Also, pregnancy can cause low Blood sugar and blood pressure resulting in lethargy.
An Indian movie cliche! You’re pregnant; so you’ve to faint! The science behind it is the sudden changes in your blood sugar and pressure levels because pregnancy can cause blood vessels to dilate – making it another sign of pregnancy.
Sudden mood swings
This would be PMS 2.0. A longer and more intense version because of the hormonal changes made extra special because of added fatigue. So you find yourself unusually emotional without a cause, it could be a sign that you’re pregnant.
Potty Strike
One time that we appreciate a decent bowel movement is during pregnancy, because, all the changes happening in your body result in slower digestion and constipation. This is also accompanied by bloating and heartburn. So this combo pack is another sign that you could be pregnant.
Unlimited pee
Not literally; but, because your uterus swells up and puts pressure on your pee bag (aka urinary bladder), you feel like peeing all the time. So if you’re visiting the toilet significantly more than your usual routine, it coils be a sign that you’re pregnant.
Hard-working olfactory senses wreaking havoc on your taste buds
One evolutionary trait of mothers is an increased sense of smell, it can help ensure that they don’t eat anything that can harm the baby. So, one of the early signs of pregnancy is that you start noticing the smells that otherwise go unnoticed. It could also result in food aversions – turning your favorite food into puke triggers.
Sore Boobies
Another visible change to your body early in the pregnancy is your nipples turning dark with the areoles increasing in size. Your breasts become sore, bigger, heavier, and sensitive for no apparent reason. On the plus side, your boobs will look fuller and more beautiful!
Another Indian movie cliche! It is based on the fact that pregnant women, because of the increase in estrogen can feel sick in the stomach and vomit. It is commonly referred to as morning sickness, even though it can occur at any time of the day/night. This uncomfortable pregnancy symptom can start as early as two weeks from the date of conception.
The unhidden tell
The next is another very reliable but subtle tell that you’re pregnant is your “pregnancy glow”. Only experts (aka old women) and highly observant people would be able to spot it. Even though it can sometimes be accompanied by acne, the additional blood flow gets your body’s oil glands to work well and give you a flushed and glowing look.

These are some very reliable pregnancy symptoms before a missed period, even so, one thing you’ve to remember is that every pregnancy is unique and the above may not be enough to conclude. Please take a pregnancy test and visit your ObGyn to confirm the pregnancy.