Like me, if you are also trying to get pregnant, here’s a question for you – What is important to get pregnant? (Sex) Yes, of course; but, at the right time. I am sure you are familiar with the ‘Fertile Window’. It’s such an exciting time in your life as it signifies one step closer to pregnancy. Since timing is everything when you want to get pregnant, it’s important to figure out how to tell if you’re ovulating!
If you’ve been trying for a baby for awhile now but haven’t had any luck yet, please read on below!
When are you more likely to conceive?
Yes, I am taking about the Fertile Window, again. It’s the ovulation which happens halfway through your cycle and five days beforehand. Have sex during this time, to boost your chance of getting pregnant.
Ovulation is when a mature egg is released from the ovary. The egg then moves down the Fallopian tube. If sperm are in the Fallopian tube when the egg is released, there is a good chance that the egg will be fertilized, creating an embryo, which can grow into a baby.
By 12-24 hours after ovulation, a woman is no longer able to get pregnant during that menstrual cycle because the egg is no longer in the Fallopian tube.
So, if you are trying for a long time without success, the fertile window is your best bet. But, if you’re not trying to get pregnant, don’t rely on this – contraception is your best option!
Let’s assume you had sex only once during your fertile window. Based on some studies, your odds of getting pregnant may be anywhere in these ranges:
21%–35% one day before ovulation
10%–33% on ovulation day
0%–11% one day past ovulation
0%–9% two days past ovulation
Not all of us have a 28 days menstrual cycle. It varies from person to person. Period don’t follow a regular timeline; thus, varying every month. To get an idea of when you are ovulating, you need to calculate your average cycle first. Because, understanding when you ovulate is key to getting pregnant
If you add the number of days in three cycles and divide the total number by three, it gives you your average cycle length.

How to know when you are ovulating?
You need to look for the following signs and symptoms to know if it’s time for the Big O – Ovulation!
There’s a small rise in your basal body temperature after ovulation, which you may be able to detect with a thermometer. It is still highly unreliable.
You may see more clear, stretchy, watery, and slippery cervical mucus, which might remind you of egg whites.
Your breasts become tender indicating ovulation has likely occurred. You may also notice bloating and cramps.
Some of you might have abdominal pain in the middle of your cycle, You might think this is random, since it’s usually associated only with menstruation and you clearly are not on your period. Research has found that mid-cycle pain (also known as mittelschmerz ) occurs just before you ovulate, which would be when you’re most fertile.
Some of you may have light spotting towards the middle of the cycle which could be a sign of ovulation.
Research says, your sex drive naturally increases while ovulating. It’s just nature’s way of helping you, by getting you in the mood at the right time.
If you think of your vagina as a tunnel, the tunnel ends at the cervix. Just before ovulation, the cervix moves up higher, becomes softer to the touch, and opens slightly to let the sperm in. Though you can track the changes with your finger, it is very tricky. So, if I were you, I wouldn’t fret if I don’t master the skill.
- A unique and uncommon way to detect ovulation is by observing your saliva under a microscope. A ferning pattern that looks like frost on a windowpane is supposed to indicate that you are ovulating. I highly suspect none of us are gonna use this method anyway.
Fem-tech and Ovulation!
Period tracking app :
Let’s face it. We are in the digital era and there is an app now for pretty much everything. A lot of Fem-tech apps are out there to relieve you of the stress of monitoring your ovulation every day. They use artificial intelligence and data science to monitor women’s health. While fertility apps may not be able to predict ovulation accurately, they can help you become more aware of your menstrual cycle. Before trying to conceive most of us don’t really keep track of it. These apps will make your menstrual charting hassle free.
Ovulation predictor kits :
The level of leutinizing hormone (LH) increase and peaks around the time of ovulation and this can be detected using ovulation predictor kits that measure the level of hormones in your pee. Here’s how the ovulation kit works: Pee on the stick and wait for a line to appear. If the color of the line matches the shade shown on the instructions, ovulation is imminent—within 24 to 48 hours which is the highly recommended time to have sex to increase the chance of pregnancy. If it’s too close to call, retest within the next 12 hours. Most kits come with a five-day supply of sticks, to be used in as many days, but for best results check around the same time each day.
Fertility monitor :
While an ovulation predictor kit can identify when ovulation is expected to occur, a fertility monitor can identify your five most fertile days. The monitor measures LH and estrogen levels to identify your two peak fertile days, plus the one to five fertile days leading up to them. Some versions of the monitor store information from your previous six cycles to customize your fertility reading. Be aware, though, that because monitors give you more advanced information, they’re pricier than ovulation kits.
There’s a limit to the amount of information that technology can provide before you need a real, complete medical evaluation. So always approach a gynecologist when you suspect fertility issues in you or your partner.
Have sex every day or every other day during your fertile window to get pregnant. And I would suggest using an Ovulation predictor kit, which is my go to miracle tech! When you’re trying to get pregnant, it can be tempting to worry about whether you’re having sex “at the right time”. Remember, while there are particular days when you’re more likely to conceive, sex shouldn’t only be about baby-making. So don’t stress a lot and have some fun!
Super post! Shared with my family and friends
Thank you!