You’re pregnant! Congratulations!! Get ready for the ride of your life. Here’s the beginning of a rollercoaster journey that will last about 9 months and take you through a range of emotions and sizes.
Before we talk about the bump progression, please remember that everyone’s body is unique and no two pregnancies will be the same. So, let us not compare our bumps with others’ for a measure. Your journey is unique and so is your baby bump.
Let us start with the most FAQ – When will I start showing?
Most women start showing around 20 weeks but it depends entirely on your body type. Your age, weight, medical history, whether you’ve given birth before, number of babies inside, baby’s position, all play a role in when your bump starts to say hello.
Now let’s decode your baby bump trimester wise.

First Trimester bump
Some women don’t even realise that they are pregnant, so the chances that your bump starts showing and others realise it are almost nil. Your baby is your secret to keep, for now. Even though your belly may still feel the same, your baby is growing inside you and so is your uterus. So, even though a bump may not be visible, your uterus starts pushing your intestines and stomach making you look/feel bloated and your pants fit a bit uncomfortably. Even though you’ve not started showing, do not forget to click your weekly progression photos. You won’t need maternity clothes just yet, but hey we understand if you’re excited and go shopping.
Second Trimester bump
Time to enjoy your pregnancy, as your symptoms like morning sickness start to ease up and you’re not too big to move around. You’ll start seeing the changes even though it may not be apparent to the others at the beginning.
Your uterus is still growing and pushing at your intestines and stomach. This can even result in your belly growing upwards rather than outwards. Most women also have a vertical line (a harmless pigmentation known as linea nigra) running down the middle of your abdomen. You will also start to feel your baby moving inside. This is also when you start to feel your belly itch, but beware, it can cause stretch marks. So use cocoa butter/ coconut oil to soothe your skin and prevent stretch marks.
Once your belly starts showing, you can also get your photoshoot done! This is when you’ll be the most comfortable during your pregnancy.

Third Trimester bump
You can’t wait to hold your baby and your excitement and anxiety are at its peak. Your bump is now official and you’d need more frequent pee breaks.
Your belly starts to feel tight and heavy as well. Towards your due date, you’ll start to feel your belly weight shift downwards. It’s your baby “dropping” or descending deeply into your pelvis so that they can get your body ready for labor and delivery. If it becomes painful do not hesitate to call on your doctor.
You can also go into false labor – Braxton-Hicks contractions, which can lead you to visit the hospital only to come home with a full belly and empty hand. But, do consult your doctor/midwife if your contractions are regular and progressively stronger or get closer together. This is also when your belly button could pop out overnight.
It is nothing to be concerned about, it will go back to its previous state a few weeks after delivery.

Postpartum Bump
Even though you pushed out your little one, it will not go back to your pre-pregnancy size right away. Your body needs the time to adjust and return to its normal state. It can take about 2-6 weeks for your belly to get back to pre-pregnancy size. Even then do not expect it to look or feel exactly as it did before, your body went through a series of changes in 9-10 months and it will take time to get back to normal. Remember to eat healthy and drink plenty of fluids.
All things said, brandish your baby bump while you have it. Celebrate your pregnancy.