UNPLANNED PREGNANCY: Ways to cope with it

You might be a person who likes surprises—surprising gifts, surprise birthday parties, surprise plans,etc. But what about a surprise pregnancy? An unplanned pregnancy is something that even a pro-surprise person would not like. A sudden situation like this can leave you overwhelmed and confused with many thoughts. But now, how do we deal with this?

Reasons for unplanned pregnancy

If you are a sexually active person, it is important to know about the different safe sex methods to avoid pregnancy. Not using contraceptives, incorrect use of contraceptives, contraceptive malfunction, and expiration of contraceptives using the pull-out method are the possible reasons for an unplanned pregnancy. So, it is advisable to know about the different contraceptive methods to avoid pregnancy and other sexually transmitted diseases.

Why is an unplanned pregnancy overwhelming?

  Pregnancy is a big, life-changing situation that will affect you physically, emotionally, and mentally. Especially an unplanned pregnancy will make you go through a scale of emotions and thoughts, and it is totally normal. This will make it difficult for you to make a decision about the pregnancy—whether to consider having a baby or not. You might feel joy and excitement sometimes or scared, anxious, and concerned other times. At times, your feelings can sometimes be conflicting, so it is important you take time to process them. 

How to cope with unplanned pregnancy?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the percentage dropped to 45% in 2011. In a study conducted in 2017, it was found that women who had an unplanned pregnancy experienced twice the rate of distress as those who had a planned pregnancy. So, to avoid such a situation, there are strategies that will help you in this time of uncertainty.

  • Allow your emotions: It is important to accept how you feel about the situation. It is normal to feel a range of emotions after a positive pregnancy test. You could experience shock initially and slowly feel fear, anger, confusion, and sometimes excitement.
  • Seek support: It is important you get support from your partner, close family, or friends—someone you can rely on while you go through this rollercoaster period.
  • Educate yourself about the options: After taking time to process your emotions, you will get an idea of how you feel about your pregnancy, keeping in mind your situation and other situations, and know whether you’re ready to take it forward or not. You need to know the different options available to you and make a decision based on them.
  • If you are considering moving forward with the pregnancy and providing for your child, you need to be prepared for the financial demands, life changes that it can bring to your life, etc.
  • If you are considering adoption, you need to know about the process and how it will make you feel.
  • If you are considering aborting, you need to know about the following effects it will have on your body and your mental health. 

Pregnancy is a big decision, and it is important to know and be prepared about the path you choose. Later, after getting to know about the path you choose and the procedures, you will be more informed, and it will be a better way to make a decision.

  • It’s okay to seek help

Sudden events can be traumatic, and especially an unplanned pregnancy will leave you overwhelmed and confused. You deserve non-judgmental support where you are heard. It is important that you get psychological assistance during this period to help you regulate your feelings and process the situation.

How much time should be taken to make a decision?

If you are considering continuing your pregnancy, start your regular check-ups as soon as possible. But if you want to end your pregnancy, it is advisable to have an early abortion to reduce the risks.

An unplanned pregnancy is a difficult situation for both partners. It can make the relationship difficult, but both partners have equal space to make the decision. It is important that you communicate with your partner about the options and develop a plan together to lead a healthy relationship, not just as parents but also as co-parents, to get through this process smoothly.

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