A Month or two after marriage, we would already get bombarded with questions about the “so-called good news” from all those nosy neighbors and relatives pointing at the woman, and we should see the pride on their face as if they have done a lifetime achievement:-
From the time of Adam and Eve, till the 21st century now, the problems women have been facing have never ceased to exist, rather they have only tuned themselves in different ways, according to the time periods. I often wonder how women have been put second, so strongly for centuries now, that it has gradually ingrained in all our minds to an extent where we started internalizing those qualities at a point for generations and after!!
I needn’t even explain all these to you. You might already have first-hand experience facing all these or have seen someone close, facing them.
Where are we heading towards? Seriously, I mean it.
We’ve all heard enough of, women getting blamed, ostracized, and forced out of marriage by their husbands and in-laws, even leading to suicides in the worst cases, due to physical, mental, and societal pressure given to them. All of these are just because of a reason either she couldn’t have a baby or chose not to have one.
And here we go!! A society where women have been reduced to just baby-making machines with no feelings and needs of their own.
Let me ask you all a question now, do you really think infertility is just a woman’s issue? No hurries, you can reply in the comments after reading the blog.
Women are blamed and Men are shamed !!!
As a company working towards women’s wellness, building products and services to help women achieve the best health outcomes, we often come across so many men with fertility issues. They want to seek help but are so shy to talk about it that they ask their wives to do it. On the other hand, when it comes to loans for IVF treatments we hear more voices from men.
This is from the hidden fact that, fertility issues for women and finances are for men.
In the worst case, these men completely put the blame on women that it’s only her issue while the actual problem would exist with him.
This is exactly why we have always been trying to include men in all our processes because we strongly believe that in a society where all of us co-exist together, we cannot build a concrete solution without including men in the part of the problem.

Let's talk reality!!!
Infertility is a couple’s problem. It’s time, we start talking about it that way because data states that, men experience infertility as equal to women, and the more we break the stigma and come out of it, the more we can get to understand the ground reality.
Additionally, age, lifestyle choices, and health conditions are all equal contributors to fertility issues in both men and women. Leave alone our parents saying that fertility decreases
With all these experiences through being in constant touch with customers, fertility hospitals, couples struggling to conceive, and pregnant women, let’s get one thing straight with age. That is, of course, true in a way that the chances of naturally getting pregnant decline after 34+ years, especially for a woman. But there are so many other options like ART treatments available for conceiving, with the available & upcoming technological innovations.
Here’s a key takeaway: Whether it’s men or women undergoing fertility struggles, care, support, and owning up to the responsibilities should be mutually reciprocated from both ends through open communication, and owning each other’s back.
Also remember that, Inclusivity in the longer run is the key. Sexual liberation for women is the key. Respecting and valuing the needs, feelings, and choices of all genders equally is the most important step in achieving harmony in society.
And, our work would be half reduced by the time, we all achieve this!!
Now, Don’t forget to scroll back to my question and share your thoughts in the comments:)